Why is it that certain event planners thrive and others, well….don’t?
Let’s face it, your personality will always play a major role in your overall success.
There are three distinct personality types that the event production business attracts. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. And while there is no single set of characteristics that “embodies” what a successful event professional looks like, if you can find ways to leverage each personality type while planning your next corporate event, you’ll surely set yourself up for success.
So, what are these personality types and how do they work? This is what you need to know.
The Creatives
You’re the outside-of-the-box thinker.
If you’re a Creative, you have an uncanny ability find inspiration from unlikely sources. You especially thrive with creative design and aren’t afraid of getting your hands dirty to turn a small idea into a massive hit.
However, your organizational skills could use some work. You likely will never become the “go to” person to manage budgets and finances. You can also struggle with punctuality, conflict, mishaps and high-pressure situations.
The Anal Retentives/Details Oriented
You’re the one to depend on to take good notes and keep things organized.
As a detail-focused individual, you will always be on time (early is on time, on time is late!), on schedule and will help to ensure everyone around you stays on task. You can also be trusted to be budget-conscious and to make decisions based on common sense.
Your organization muscles probably flex more than your creative muscles though. You may also have a tendency to micromanage and may work a little too hard as evidenced by the many sleepless nights you put in.
The Adrenaline Junkies
You probably know if you’re this personality type by its name alone.
You can deal with tough deadlines, high expectations, (constructive) criticism of your work and still not miss a beat. You’ll find a way to power through and get things done while showing few signs of wear. You have great creative abilities and your enthusiasm is unmatched. You can rise to any and every challenge thrown your way.
But, you may overlook details from time to time and your common sense can waiver as well.
If you’ve been involved in the event industry in any capacity, I’m willing to bet you’ve come across each of these personality types at one point or another. Chances are, you highly resonate with one of them too.
Understand your strengths and weaknesses and align yourself with people who compliment you well.
This is your “personality formula” for event planning success! <– Click to Tweet
Which personality type resonates with you the most? Share in the comments below!
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